Jon Favreau, known for his work in Iron Man found himself going to the kitchen for the new independent film, Chef. The movie recently showed at the Tribeca Film Festival and will be opening in theaters on May 9.
Favreau told the Associated Press, "After doing a lot of big movies with a lot of concerns revolving around the studios and the politics of marketing and release schedules, it was nice to do something very small where I didn't have to answer to anybody but myself.”
Favreau wrote, starred, and directed in Chef, according to the LA Times. Favreau plays dedicated chef, Carl Casper in the movie. He has a falling out with the owner of a restaurant, played by Dustin Hoffman. In the trailer, Hoffman’s character, Riva, says, “Be an artist on your own time. This is my restaurant.”
The movie also features Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, and John Leguizamo. Favreau is known for the successful Iron Man films, as well as the TV series, Dinner for Five. Chef previously showed at the SXSW festival.
Chef will be in movie theaters on May 9.
Here is a trailer: