Your senior prom is supposed to be a memorable experience and it will definitely be just that for a group of high school students from Pierce High School who took a dive into a river on the day of their prom.

According to KTIV, high school student, Alisha White, wanted to invite her friends over to her house to take pictures. She asked her father beforehand, and he remembers the incident well.

"They decided to come and get a picture on a couple of the bridges here and they didn't opt for the more sturdy one. And they got about 21 or 22 of them on this back one and it turned out to be a little bit too much weight."

All of the prom attendees went plunging into the river and were soaked. Feeling guilty, Alisha’s first thoughts were that everyone was going to be upset with her.

"The first thing I thought about when I went in the water was, 'Oh my gosh everyone’s going to be so mad at me.' Like, this is my fault because I planned this and that made me like, super upset. But then everyone was just really nice about it and they were like, ‘It’s not your fault. You didn't know that was going to happen. There was nothing you can do,” Alisha told KpiTIV.

Yahoo! News reported that photos captured during this prom shoot where the entire bridge collapsed were quickly spread across the Internet.

Lane Rohrich, one of the prom goers, tweeted photos of the group.

The high school students quickly not only learned to be more cautious when choosing where to pose for their glamour shots, but also the power and effects of social media. The group watched as the tweet quickly jumped from a few retweets to 3,000 within two hours. As of now, the tweet has been retweeted more than 50,000 times.

"Everyone really needs to be careful what they put on the internet because there’s always a way to get to it. And I mean, just be safe about everything and you’ll be fine,” Rohrich said.

Even though several tuxedos and dresses were ruined, the teens still kept positive and definitely had a prom to remember.