Star Wars: Episode VII will reportedly shoot part of the film in Abu Dhabi, which likely will stand in as Tatooine.

Sources told The Hollywood Reporter that filming in that area will begin about the middle of May and likely last for about four weeks.

The move to Abu Dhabi, which is part of United Arab Emirates, is likely because the original stand-in for Tatooine, Tunisia, is no longer viable to shoot a large film due to political instability.

The desert planet, home of both Luke and Anakin Skywalker, has made an appearance in all but The Empire Strikes Back.

Though Disney hasn't commented on filming in Abu Dhabi, Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn was willing to confirm earlier in the week that shooting for the film had begun in early April about a month ahead of schedule.

The most recent piece of news regarding the highly anticipated film, was that Peter Mayhew was returning as Chewbacca in Episode VII. Speculation first rose after it was learned the tall actor had pulled out of Comicpalooza, which runs in late May.