Starbucks is known for having designs sketched in their latte foam, but a fellow customer, Megan Pinion, received on her Frappuccino was interesting – to say the least.

The schoolteacher in Louisiana was given her drinks with the number 666 and a pentagram drawn in caramel sauce, according to E! News.

Surprisingly, Pinion calmly took to the famous coffee’s Facebook page to express her concern with the satanic symbols.

“The star is almost okay because it is in your Starbucks logo, the 666, however was quite offensive. I am in no way judging his beliefs or dis-meriting his beautiful artwork, I am however judging his lack of professionalism and respect for others,” she wrote.

Starbucks company spokesman, Tom Kuhn, told The Raw Story they have apologized to Pinion via social media.

Kuhn also told the Huffington Post: “This obviously is not the type of experience we want to provide any of our customers, and is not representative of the customer service our partners provide to millions of customers every day.”

The spokesman would not comment on whether the employee who served the coffee would be punished.