Stem-cell research has always been looked at as the way to clone human beings, however, last week researchers have taken a new approach to stem-cell research.

Researchers, according to The Washington Post, have found a way to make stem-cells grow into tissue with some urging by scientists.

This means that people suffering from diabetes could have insulin-producing cells, made by scientists. People with macular degeneration would never go blind and entire organs could possibly be matched to patients in order to replace diseased ones.

According to Nature World News, the research is approaching human trials as far as treating blindness with stem-cell treatment.

So far the results have been extremely encouraging. One patient, who had been judged legally blind, gained full eye sight.

This is done with three drops of retinal pigment epithelium cells underneath the retina, which is detached for the procedure.

Though stem-cell research controversy seemed to be so last decade, scientists are certainly stirring up some controversy with new treatment, but may also change many lives.