Turkey's ban on Twitter, which has caused an international uproar, has been ruled unconstitutional and a violation of freedom of speech. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government before lifting the ban as the court ordered.

Time reports that Turkey lifted the ban on Thursday after a Wednesday ruling struck down the controversial ban on the social media site. Erdogan's government, which imposed the ban two weeks earlier, didn't end the prohibition right away.

As Euro News notes, a local court ordered the ban to be ended last week, but the government did not act. The main opposition party and prominent legal academic Kerem Altiparm applied for the court ruling.

Erdogan has made public his opposition to several popular social media sites, including YouTube, which the government blocked last week. His crusading against the sites come after several leaks damaging to his regime across the internet.

The controversy over the issue is ongoing, and Twitter is considering filing their own lawsuit against the government.

Despite the condemnation of his actions, the Turkish elections that in part led to the ban turned out in Erdogan's favor. The Islamist Justice and Development Party, which he's a part of, overwhelmingly won in local elections on Sunday.