Two teenage girls and a Good Samaritan who tried to help, were killed in a multi vehicle crash in Florida on Sunday.

According to CBS Miami, authorities said that Anapaula Saldana and Caroline Agreda, both 17, collided with an SUV driven by Josefa Quinones. The teen girls were standing outside the vehicle when Eduardo Hernandez stopped to help them. While he spoke with the teens another car driven by Christopher Masferrer, slammed into and killed all three of them.

The Miami Herald noted that police are looking into whether the 30-year-old Masferrer was drinking or speeding at the time of the crash.

The two teens killed were students at Sunset Senior High School in West Kendall, Fla. The school has said that grief counselors will be available on Monday.

Hernandez was a father of three and is survived by his children and wife Fatima.

The 68-year-old Quinones, who was involved in the initial accident with the teens, was taken to a nearby hospital and treated for her injuries.