A video documenting a woman’s abortion has gone viral and has been receiving a ton of backlash as well as praise. However, 25-year-old Emily Letts, a counselor at the Cherry Hill Women's Center in New Jersey, is defending her decision to share it with the world.

In an essay written for Cosmopolitan, Letts explained she wanted to make the three-minute video to give girls going through that decision a real look inside the process.

"I know there are women who feel great remorse. I have seen the tears. Grieving is an important part of a woman's process, but what I really wanted to address in my video is guilt,” she wrote.

She continued that she deals with women daily who feel that guilt as a counselor at an abortion clinic, even though their mind is set when they enter the clinic.

"Our society breeds this guilt. We inhale it from all directions. Even women who come to the clinic completely solid in their decision to have an abortion say they feel guilty for not feeling guilty. Even though they know 110% that this is the best decision for them, they pressure themselves to feel bad about it,” she also wrote.

As for her own reasons for getting an abortion, the former actress said she just “wasn’t ready” to be a mother.

The Courier-Post reports Letts has been a counselor at the clinic since 2012. She hopes to remove the “stigma” of abortion, but reactions on Twitter have been harsh.

Using the hashtag #EmilyLetts, reactions have been, “#Emilyletts its disgusting to promote abortion, such a personal choice, when so many others are desperate to have what she's thrown away,” and “We already have narcissistic people taking selfies at funerals and now we have people like #EmilyLetts uploading their abortions to YouTube.”