Actress Gong Li will screen Coming Home at Cannes this year. The Chinese actress was seen at the Grace of Monaco premiere yesterday.

Gong Li will be judging the 17th Annual Shanghai Film Festival, but that won’t begin until June 14. She had a lot to say in preparation. Gong said in an interview on Thursday, "It is a respect to a film, to a piece of art work. However, it can only be given to one person. So when you're judging the award, you feel bad, because I, too, am in the business," according to the Associated Press. She continued to say, "So I hope when I'm the president of the jury, I can pull it together and not be so emotional."

Until then, she has her sights set on the screening of her new film, Coming Home. Through the film, she will be reunited with Chinese director, Zhang Yimou, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

A description on IMDb for the film talks about how an arranged marriage causes a Chinese man to leave and go to America. However, upon his return home, he finds himself in a labor camp. Gong co-stars in the film with Daoming Chen. Writers on the film include Geling Yan and Jingzhi Zou.

Coming Home will premiere at the Cannes Film Festival on Tuesday.