Andrew Garfield swung by The Tonight Show Thursday night and demonstrated some serious six-string skills, treating the audience to an acoustic rendition of the classic Spider-Man theme song.

Naturally, Garfield’s burgeoning guitar skills was something Jimmy Fallon was eager to talk about, given his own guitar-playing hobby. Upon request to play something, Garfield was not too thrilled at the idea, as noted by The Wrap.

After dropping a line about how he was no “Adele Nazeem,” Garfield shared with Fallon what a pivotal moment this was for him.

“This is the first time I’ve ever sung in public,” he said.

Then Garfield busted out a very smooth, soulful rendition of the ‘80s cartoon theme, and turned out to be pretty great. Maybe for the next Spider-Man movie can spend some time crooning in the New York City night clubs, or maybe just lip-sync his favorite songs with girlfriend Gwen Stacy.

Watch the clip below to see Garfield sing and strum about Spider-Man.