Movie star actress Angelina Jolie is stressing to the world that she wants her children not to be actors or actresses right away. She wants them to pursue other activities before jumping into the film industry.

Her partner Brad Pitt, who she plans on marrying in the immediate future, agrees with putting other activities first instead of an acting career before their children. They are raising six children together, so installing this value is important to them.

According to the New York Daily News, Jolie feels she can offer her children unique opportunities. For example, her 5-year-old daughter Vivienne Jolie-Pitt plays a small role in Jolie’s new film called Maleficent. Vivienne Jolie-Pitt plays Aurora.

Despite her daughter being in a recent film, both Jolie and Pitt do not want their family to star in films. But if they do choose acting as a career, they do not want that world to consume their young lives.

“Brad and I never wanted our kids to be actors. When they get older, if they decide to be actors, I would just ask that’s not the center of their lives,” said Jolie, reported by Fox News.

Jolie embraces the juggling act between being an actress and being a good mother. Her father is legendary actor Jon Voight, so she knows from personal experience what it is like growing up in the movie business.