Apple has decided not to sell an educational, self-pleasuring female application.
The Huffington Post reported that the app by HappyPlayTime designer, Tina Gong has been banned from the iTunes store.
Gong was sent an email from the company last week which read:
Your app HappyPlayTime has been reviewed, but we are unable to post this version. For details, or to directly contact the App Review team, visit the Resolution Center in the iTunes Connect.
The rejected app featured a cartoon vulva intended to teach women how to pleasure themselves.
Gong defended her app and sent an appeal to Apple even though she realizes the decision may be final.
“I considered creating a petition to let us in, but as far as I know, Apple tends to be pretty steadfast in their choices to accept or reject something, even with a large supporter group,” she wrote in a blog post.
New York Magazine noted that Gong and her team are exploring the possibility of turning her female-friendly app into an Internet game.