Sailor Moon, the iconic anime series, will be reintroduced to American audiences thanks to Hulu Plus. The streaming service struck an exclusive licensing deal with Viz Media, the North American distributor of the series, which was produced by Toei Animation Co.
Viz announced on Friday that Sailor Moon will be available on Hulu starting on Monday, May 19 with the first four episodes. Each of the series’ 200 episodes will be uncut and remastered, all the way through Sailor Stars, which has not been show in the U.S.
According to TheWrap, two new episodes will be posted every Monday after this week. They will also be available on Viz Media’s site. The deal also includes the Sailor Moon movies and specials.
The episodes will first be presented in the original Japanese and in the 4:3 aspect ratio. Viz is currently working on new English dubs, which will be available later in the year.
Viz is also planning on releasing new DVD sets and the series on Blu-ray this fall.
This is the latest major anime acquisition for Hulu, notes Variety. The service also has episodes of Pokemon, Bleach, DRagon Ball Z and many others.