Emma Watson graduated from Brown University with a bachelor's degree in English literature.

Image via Twitter from Emma Watson

Watson, who is best known for playing Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies, was among 2,000 graduates receiving diplomas this Sunday, reports SFGate.

To commemorate the occasion, she took to her Twitter account to post a photo of herself in her cap and gown.

In 2009, The Guinness Book of World Records named her the highest-grossing actress of the decade, which was the same year that she started attending Brown.

Even with her movie star status, Watson was able to live the college life experience, going to class, throwing parties and juggling work and classes.

Getting an education has been something of great importance to the 24-year-old actress. There were people who told her that it was impossible to graduate from the ivy league school. She ignored them and continued to pursue her goal.

She told Us Weekly that graduating would be something “really symbolic” for her. Reaching the accomplishment would call for a big celebration including a “huge” party and getting drunk.