First Lady Michelle Obama denounced the House bill that will make the current school meal regulations more lax after several schools complained about the current costs during a Whitehouse meeting on Tuesday.
The bill that a House subcommittee has passed will permit schools to disregard the standards if the school is suffering from a net loss on its food program for longer than six months, FoxNews noted.
First lady Obama, who has a passion for serving healthier foods to students, disagreed with the bill and pointed out at the meeting that the healthier food standards for schools around the nation has helped improve academic success for students as well as implement a healthier eating habits.
According to NBC News, Mrs. Obama believes that changing the standard is “unacceptable”. "We're now seeing efforts in Congress to roll back these new efforts and undue the hard work that all of you, all of us, have done on behalf of our kids. It’s unacceptable not just to me as First Lady, but as a mother," she said.
Many schools have commented that the healthier foods have not been a success and that many students throw out their vegetables. The Agriculture Department claimed that it quit following nutrition limits after students complained of hunger. Others are all for the continued push for healthier school foods.
The national PTA is fighting the new House legislation.
First Lady Michelle Obama speaks out against new bill on school meals
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