While reporting its numbers to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Google admitted that its workforce was ‘too white’ and that it needed to change.

The company was not obligated to announce to the public that its diversity within its workplace is not up to par, but according to the Huffington Post it did. Only 2 percent of their workforce is black, 3 percent Hispanic and 30 percent are women. The senior vice president, Laszlo Bock wrote in a blog post,
“Simply put, Google is not where we want to be when it comes to diversity.”
Many are applauding the companies move to disclose the information, claiming it will push other companies to do the same. According to the Washington Post the information was first exposed through PBS’s Newswire, and in the exclusive interview with Rev. Jesse Jackson he said the reason they did not disclose the information before was because they knew it wouldn’t look good. He said eventually Google came to realize,
“The right thing to do would be to share this information, because we have an issue. Our industry has an issue. And the only way to have an honest conversation about this is to start by actually sharing the facts."