Malala Yousafzai, a teen Paskistani advocate for education, spoke out against the Nigerian school girl kidnapping, demanding that everyone take a stand.
Yousafzai campaigns for young girls all around to the globe to have an education. The young 16 year old believes that it is unfair for the girls to have this right taken away.
According to CBS News . Yousafzai proclaimed, “Boko Haram is part of an extremist group that doesn’t understand Islam, which requires education.”
She believes that everyone needs to speak out against the kidnapping in order for the vicious cycle to end. She says, If you don’t shed light to the problem, then it will continue to happen.
Yousafzai also advises that the extremist group study the Quran so that they can learn the principles of Islam, especially in regards to the way they are to treat one another with kindness.
As BBC News Africa . noted, Abukar Shekau, one of the kidnappers, recently stated that he might sell the young girls because he considers school the wrong place for them; he insists that the girls marry instead.
Two villages were attacked Sunday and 11 more girls have been taken hostage. The continued kidnappings have caused many to question the Nigerian government.