On Tuesday, Microsoft revealed the newest edition to their struggling tablet line: the Surface Pro 3, which can be used as both a tablet and as a replacement for the laptop.
According to ComputerWorld, many assumed that Microsoft would unveil a smaller, and possibly less expensive, Surface model. Instead, it appears the Redmond-based tech company is turning less towards the average consumer and more towards the business-orientated.
"I saw today as a realization that they can't be a head-to-head competitor with all the tablets out there," J. Gold Associates principal analyst Jack Gold said. "In that sense, they're focusing on a winning strategy. Who is my installed base, how do I satisfy that installed base, and how do I do that in a way that doesn't conflict with my OEM partners?"
Meet #SurfacePro3, the tablet that can replace your laptop. pic.twitter.com/FuE3WvxALG
— Surface (@surface) May 20, 2014
USA Today reports that there will be five models of the Pro 3 available, which will range in price from $799 to $1,949. The lower end model will come with 4 GB of storage, 4 GB of RAM and will have an Intel Core i3 processor.
The top of the line model will feature 512 GB of storage, 8 GB of RAM and the Intel Core i7 processor. All models will have a 12-inch screen and come with a kickstand that will bend to allow up to a 150-degree angle.
The goal is to "build together experiences that bring together all the capabilities of our company," CEO Satya Nadella said. "It starts with this obsession for every individual and organization to do more and be more."
image via Twitter from Surface