A college drop out has been arrested for allegedly calling in two bomb threats in order to keep her family from finding out she wasn’t graduating.

22-year-old Danielle Shea was arrested on Sunday after she made a bomb threat before graduation at Quinnipiac University, according to the New York Daily News. Her mom had been sending her money for tuition, but her name was not on the roster for graduation. However, Shea had stopped attending the university.

Police in Hamden, Connecticut said she had admitted to reporting there was a “bomb in the library” and barely 20 minutes later, she called to say, “Several bombs are on campus. You haven’t cleared out graduation. That’s not a good idea.”

While investigators searched for explosives without finding any, the ceremony was relocated and police eventually were able to trace the calls to Shea’s number. She was arrested at the ceremony site.

According to Seattle Pi, Shea’s arraignment is scheduled for Monday. She reportedly collected money from her mom, at least thousands of dollars, which her mother thought was for Shea’s education.

Her bond is set at $20,000.