A suspect has been arrested in connection to the fatal shooting of two Alaska State Troopers on Thursday afternoon in Tanana, while another man was detained.

Police say they have arrested 19-year-old Nathanial Lee Kangas and plan to charge him in the shooting deaths of Trooper Sgt. Patrick "Scott" Johnson and Trooper Gabriel "Gabe" Rich, reports Fairbanks Daily News. Arvin Morse Kangas was also picked up by police, though he is being charged with assault in the fourth degree and driving on a revoked license.

The incident that lead to the deadly shooting is still being investigated in the remote Alaskan town, which isn't easy to get to, according to The Associated Press. The easiest way to get to Tanana is by air due to lack of roads from there to Fairbanks. The two troopers were called up to look into a report saying someone "brandished a firearm in the village."

The shooting occurred inside of Ruby Cruger's aunt's house. Cruger noted that her aunt wasn't home and the shooter was a relative.

Both Johnson and Rich were participating in the National Geographic Channel program Alaska State Troopers, but were not being filmed at the time of the shooting. Deadline reports that the network has decided to not air any reruns featuring the two men. Johnson made appearances in four episodes and Rich was in six.

In a statement Nat Geo said, "National Geographic Channel is incredibly saddened to learn of the loss of two Alaska State Troops yesterday ... We have a long and proud association with the troopers, and consider them a member of our extended channel family."