The Ukrainian government announced its victory against pro-seperationalists Monday after it successfully seized the airport from them. The victory came just a few days after Ukraine’s president, Petro Poroshenko, was re-elected and assured that he would rid Ukraine of all seperationalists.
According to Bloomberg News , The Ukraine military killed several dozen of seperationalists without losing any of its solders, Minister Arsen Avakov reported. The mayor of Donetsk noted that 40 people were killed and 31 were injured. There were also gunshots going off along the Russian border that caused Poroshenko to seek help from Russian president Vladimir Putin.
The intense battle lasted throughout the day into the evening. Any remaining seperationalists were kicked out and the airport was blocked off. Fire shots could still be heard and the building appeared to be on fire.
First Deputy Prime Minister Vitaliy Yarema noted that the attack on seperationalists at the airport is the first of many attacks to completely rid Ukraine of terrorists.
However, despite the success at the airport, there are no signs at this time that the “win” will put a halt to seperationalist terrorist activity, according to The New York Times.