The fifth movie to the Terminator series was given the tittle Terminator: Genesis but that might have changed. There are many rumors surrounding this movie on when it takes place in the series or if it is just simply a reboot. A change in the tittle name could be the key.
No plot details or story line has been released for the newest Terminator movie and there doesn’t seem to be much information on it. However, it did seem to have an official tittle till reports came in saying that Terminator: Gensis may not be the tittle. Toys and other merchandise have been licensed under the name of Terminator tie-ins according to Bleeding Cool. The words “the” and “genesis” are nowhere to be seen. A name change to Terminator could mean that this new film is none other than a reboot. If the film is a reboot it won’t be the only one coming out in 2015 according to Screen Rant. Other reboots fans are expecting in 2015 are Jurassic World and The Fantastic Four.
Would a reboot of the original Terminator be a better choice than a whole new movie?

Image via Facebook The Terminator.