Hong Kong Cultural Center premiered the forth film in the Transformers franchise on Thursday, June 19. Transformers: Age of Extinction is directed by Michael Bay who also took over the first three Transformer films. Bay attended the Hong Kong premiere along with most of the cast.

A premiere at Hong Kong makes sense for the Transformer film. The cities, Hong Kong and Chongqing, were the locations most of the film was shot including an over 30 minute final battle according to WantChinaTimes. The cast that came along with director Bay was Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci, Kelsey Grammer, Nicola Peltz, Jack Reynor, Li Bingbing, Han Geng. The alternative rock band Imagine Dragons also made an appearance and put on a performance! The band played their song “Battle Cry” that they personally wrote for the film. They took the show to the top of the Harbour City roof says WeAreMovieGeeks.
One of the biggest stars of the film, Optimus Prime, showed up to the premiere too! All 21 feet of him!
Transoformers: Age of Extinction comes out June 27 in the United States.
Photo Credit: INFphoto.com