The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a survey that revealed 4 in 10 teenage motorists admitted to texting while driving.

TIME reported that the survey showed that 41 percent of America’s teens said that they had texted or emailed while driving.

According to the Federal Communications Commission, 18 percent of all fatal crashes in 2010 were due to "driver distraction" (particularly cell phone use), resulting in 3,092 deaths and 416,000 injuries.

Texting while behind the wheel wasn’t the only disturbing trend that was found in the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey.

About 41.3 percent of teens spend more time on their computers and about 14.8 percent said that they had been bullied online. More than 19 percent said that they have been bullied at school.

The survey also revealed that sexually active teens are not using condoms as much as they had in the past.

Some good news, however, did come out of the study.

The report noted that the number of teens smoking cigarettes had decreased to only 15.7 percent. Young people also reported a reduction in daily soda consumption.