It was just early this morning when Chris Brown was released from prison and sent home.
Yes, the entertainer has been released from a Los Angeles County jail as The HuffingtonPost reports at 12:01am Monday morning according to sheriff deputy Tony Moore.
Brown was last taken into custody in Mid-March when he was removed from Rehab because he violated the rules and policies. But that is not all as the singer admitted to violating his probation when he got into a fight outside of a hotel in Washington D.C. just last year.
It was then on May 9th that Superior Court Judge James R. Brandlin ordered Brown to serve an additional 131 days in jail, but still Brown was expected to be released sooner than that. Brandlin ended up giving Brown credit for nearly 8 months including time spent in rehab and prison, plus credit for good behavior.
TMZ did the math and shows that Brown only served 108 days and got credit for 116 days spent in rehab and 59 days behind bars.
Yet he may be out for now, the singer still has his trial concerning the D.C. assault coming up so he may not be home free just yet. Hopefully he enjoys some time at home before that comes up.