The Foo Fighters have been working on their latest album across the United States and are filming an HBO special about the process that they went on creativity to create this album but while they have been working hard fans of the band in Richmond, Virginia noticed that as a band, the Foo Fighters, hadn't played their hometown since back in 1998 because of this lack of concerts fans took matters into their own hands are created an online campaign to bring the band back to Richmond.

Billboard reported that this online campaign featured more than signatures. Fans used to funding site, Crowdtilt, to raise over $70,000 in ticket sales that would sell out the not yet scheduled concert. The goal of selling out the concert was reached earlier today.

The Foo Fighters took to their Twitter account to announce that they would play the show in Richmond.

The venue and location has not yet been announced for this concert, Entertainment Weekly reported.

Even without an official venue or date it looks like fans have had their voices heard and will be enjoying seeing the Foo Fighters return to their hometown for the first time in many years.