The leading app for pictures, and in the top three for all social media, Instagram has now developed more editing features for your pictures including the strength of each filter and the ability to edit all the main features.

According to PetaPixel Instagram’s latest 6.0 release has the tools to edit major parameters of a photo, including brightness, contrast, and color temperature. For photographer enthusiasts, this is the update many have been looking for, giving the diversity of photo editing inside the app.

Instagram CEO and co-founder Kevin Systrom told PetaPixel the update wasn’t “cooked up over the weekend.” He was adamant that many months of research went into making sure these edits are extremely responsive.

Photography website FStoppers noted through their own test of changing shadows, for instance, it did not affect other aspects such as hue and saturation, instilling confidence in the app. Not having to go to different apps, like Photoshop mobile, to change the color or sharpness, is a time-saver and promotes versatility for amatuers and professionals alike.