A new report has revealed more horrors allegedly committed by the late BBC children’s show host Jimmy Savile. The U.K. National Health Services and Department of Health have released their report on Savile’s alleged sexual abuse in hospitals, revealing that his victims ranged from ages 5 to 75 and suffered from a wide range of ailments.

The report was released Thursday, showing how he used his reputation as a celebrity for children to gain access to hospitals for over five decades, until his death in 2011. Saville was “a callous, opportunistic, wicked predator who abused and raped individuals ... who expected and had a right to expect to be safe,” Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said in a statement, reports CNN.

Some of the most shocking numbers are centered at the Leeds General Infirmary, where 60 people reported that they had inappropriate encounters with Savile. In total, Savile abused 33 people who were patients - 19 children and 14 adults, and 19 hospital staff members. Another eight people were abused who did not work at the hospitals or were patients.

The earliest reported case of abuse at Leeds came in 1962, when Savile was 36. The last report came in 2009, when Savile was in his 80s.

Five more hospitals are expected to release reports on Savile’s activities there.

Earlier this month, children’s charity NSPCC released a report that found at least 500 reports of sexual abuse that involved Savile.