Over the years, Barbie has had over 150 careers. Her newest adventure, Entrepreneur Barbie, is all business.

We have all seen Barbie as an astronaut, a doctor. She has even been president. After all, the doll was created in hopes that girls would dream bigger.

Mattel partnered with a group of female leaders (chief information officers) who have all founded their own businesses, like Rent the Runway. Mattel and the group of ladies are promoting the new Barbie alongside the hashtag #Unapologetic.

Mattel, according to Today, will launch the doll this summer. With more and more women becoming the primary breadwinners in their households, Mattel thought it would be perfect to give Barbie a little more power and independence.

Barbie asked for a few tips on how to be successful and Mattel shared a few of those tips with Mashable.

The first tip for becoming an entrepreneur is “Go for ti! Take risks and try things, it’s an important part of being an entrepreneur and even if you fail, you will learn so much.”

Barbie has begun to share this tip, along with others on her official website.