Actor Michael Jace, best known for his role on FX’s The Shield, has pleaded not guilty to murder charges in the death of his wife, April Jace, during a court appearance on Wednesday.

During the hearing, the judge set bond for $2 million, reports CNN. The judge also ordered Jace to not contact his two young children. His attorney did not object.

Another hearing is set for Aug. 1, in which the investigators will explain why Jace was arrested.

Jace allegedy shot and killed April on May 19. It has been reported that he called his father-in-law after the shooting to pick up their children. Then, he called 911 himself to turn himself in. He was officially charged with murder on May 22.

Police have said that they believe the motive was domestic violence. However, the investigation is ongoing and they are looking into the possibility that there may have been financial issues.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Jace’s own call to a 911 operator has not been released. However, fire officials have released a 911 call their received from April’s father, who claimed that Jace, 51, did tell him that he shot his wife.

April, 40, was the mother of three children, including two sons with Jace. She worked as a Biola University financial aid counselor. Jace and April married in 2003.

As for Jace, he is best known for roles as military or police officers. He appeared in Southland, CSI, The Mentalist and The Shield. He also had a small role in Forrest Gump.

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