According to a new study the amount of hours spent watching pornography is associated negatively with gray matter volume in the male brain.
This study was published in JAMA Psychiatry.
According to The Daily Beast 64 healthy men between the ages of 21 and 45 participated in the study. Those who watched the most porn among the men studied literally had smaller brains.
In order to conduct the study each man was asked to fill out a survey about how much pornography he watched, according to Tech Times. Most men watch over four hours a week of porn.
There were also other negative effects correlated with watching large amounts of porn. The more porn a man watched in the study, the less brain activation during sex cues.
That’s right, the more porn you watch the less likely you’ll be able to do the act when the time is right.
However, the newest study does not necessarily mean porn is making men stupid. It simply means it is making their brains smaller.
“In general, gray matter shrinkage may have no impact,” says Dr. Nicole Prause of University of California, Los Angeles. “It’s really important before we make interpretations that we know the role of alcohol and depression.”
More research is needed to tell us the real impact pornography has on the brain other than it reducing the amount of gray matter in the brain.