It has been less than two months since the incident where two twelve-year-old girls held down one of their friends before stabbing her 19 times in hopes of impressing the fictitious and Internet inspired Slenderman. Now one of those girls is being called “incompetent” and unable to stand trial.

People reports that Morgan Geyser, one of the two girls awaiting trial, has been evaluated by two doctors where she was found “incompetent” and now a judge wants to know if “mental disease or defect” will be an issue in her trial where she is being viewed as an adult on a first-degree intentional homicide charge. Judge Michael Bohren wants this evaluation to be completed prior to the girls hearing on August 1st.

Both Geyser and Annisa Weier, the other girl involved, have yet to enter a plea and are being held at bail set at $500,000. While Weier’s attorney has yet to determine her own competency as of late, lawyer Joseph Smith Jr. did tell Bohren he has to right to do so if he decides reports CNN.

The survivor, whose name has been kept anonymous for her own healing process, has been resting at home following the incident. Her family says, "Our daughter and our entire family continue to focus on both her physical and emotional healing. She continues to amaze us in her ability to persevere and move forward – taking one day at a time."

Geyser and Weier are both due in court on August 1st.