Christopher Nolan made a surprise appearance at the Interstellar Comic Con panel, but still didn't reveal much about the upcoming science fiction film.

While continuing to keep most details about the upcoming film under wraps, the director did bring along a new trailer just for those in attendance and explained some about what influenced him while making the film, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The Memento director said that while he was growing up "being an astronaut was the highest ambition. And the idea that we could keep exploring further and further. I felt that has fallen off greatly over the last few decades."

The film's star, Matthew McConaughey made an expected appearance and led off with his always popular phrase, "Alright, alright, alright," Deadline reports.

The True Detective star opened up about what it was like filming Interstellar. "When you're on set [Nolan's] already conceived of this world that he's putting onscreen," McConaughey said. "This felt like independent filmmaking -- 3,4 takes, he moves on. It's by far the most ambitious film Mr. Nolan has directed."

He too didn't offer any more information about the actual film, jokingly noting he couldn't while responding to a question over whether he had anything new he could reveal. "Nothing whatsoever."

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