An unidentified man from Denver has been recorded as the first case of the pneumonic plague seen in Colorado since 2004. It appears he may have contracted the illness from his dog, who passed away recently and was also found to be carrying the disease.

In a statement to Bloomberg News, Jennifer House, a spokeswoman for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, states that the man has been hospitalized and treated. "We don't think it's in our air," she explained, as the pneumonic plague can be contracted through the air. "We think it's in our dead animal populations."

The pneumonic plague typically infects only about 7 people each year in the United States, and can be treated with antibiotics. It can prove fatal if not treated, and there currently is no vaccine for the pneumonic plague. There have only been 60 cases within Colorado since 1957, resulting in nine deaths, reports The Malay Mail Online.

“The message we’re trying to get out is that the plague bacteria is present here in Colorado, and to take necessary precautions to avoid getting infected,” House said in a final statement. Colorado officials recommend that people keep their pets away from wildlife and to not touch rodents or wildlife themselves.