On Tuesday, fighting began again in the Ukraine. Residents looked for places to hide as Ukrainian troops and pro-Russia separatists fought a battle in Donetsk, the largest city in the Ukraine.

"I was driving and some people appeared with automatic weapons," said Vitaly, a citizen who said that he was too fearful to give his last name, according to the Associated Press. "They put me and my girlfriend on the ground and then they said: `Run away from here!'

Rebels entered the Interior Ministry headquarters in Donetsk. There was some confusion on the ground. In Kiev, the interior minister said that Ukrainian forces repelled a rebel attack in Donetsk.

It has been a difficult two months in the Ukraine, as Ukrainian forces have not been able to suppress the rebels. A cease fire was ordered for last Friday. President Poroshenko chose not to renew the ceasefire. By early Tuesday, the military began to make air strikes against separatists. According to Reuters, Poroshenko said that he was on the offensive to rid the Ukraine of “parasites.”