Herds of musk oxen have invaded one Alaskan town and residents are trying everything, including using bear urine to scare them away, but nothing seems to work.

According to the Alaska Dispatch, the bovines have made their way into the town of Nome and residents there are not sure how to get them out.

KNOM noted that Tony Gorn, an Alaska Department of Fish & Game wildlife biologist for the area said that residents have tried everything from rubber bullets to firecrackers, but the animals are not afraid of loud noises or people. They also are not scared off by aircraft since they have been hanging around Nome’s airport lately.

Since the ox do pose a threat to humans if they get too close and have already killed several dogs, residents want them out and have turned to bear urine hoping that it will do the trick.

“We routinely—almost daily, now—move musk ox. But then they come back,” said Gorn. “So, this is an attempt to maybe put out some type of deterrent to prevent them from coming in so close to town.”

It is believed that the animals have moved toward the populous area of Nome to escape bears.

image via Twitter from @nome-ak