Talk of impeachment and lawsuits against the president by Republicans has turned out to be quite the boon to Democratic candidates, who are starting to see plenty of money come their way.

"At 1 o'clock this morning, I got an e-mail from our online fundraising department telling me that yesterday we raised $1 million online," Rep. Steve Israel revealed at a Christian Science Monitor-held breakfast. "In one day. In one day."

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee also received $2.1 million in online donations over the weekend. "The Republican strategy of lawsuits and approaching impeachment is fundamentally misfiring."

Israel noted that a CNN poll found that 57 percent of Republican voters believe it is an actual strategy by Republicans to make calls of impeachment, despite denials from GOP leaders.

Though there has been talk of impeachment, thanks largely to Sarah Palin and some Democrats, House Speaker John Boehner insists that there will be no move in that direction, Reuters notes.

"We have no plans to impeach the president. We have no future plans," Boehner said when asked a question by a reporter. "It's all a scam started by Democrats."

Boehner has a point since no one takes former Republican Gov. Palin at all seriously, but people were more apt to listen when a senior White House aide suggested that would be the GOP's next move over President Barack Obama's decision to issue executive orders over immigration reform.

"The president acting on immigration reform will certainly up the likelihood that [Republicans] would contemplate impeachment at some point," Senior advisor Dan Pfeiffer said.

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