Kate Tucker and the Sons of Sweden have released their latest album The Shape The Color The Feel. The four piece group formed back in 2007 in Seattle and since the formation the group has explored different musical influences and this creative process results in a modern, complex and alluring record.

The band first worked with Ryan Hadlock of the Lumineers and has also worked with American folk musican Damien Jurado on their debut album. These famous musicians recognized the talent and promise that this quartet has.

The group which contains, Kate Tucker, Matthew Thompson, Wes Chandler and Ethan Place have found success in the industry because their songs translate well into a variety of genres. At times the album has a pop feel but it transitions into a more indie, modern vibe as the album progresses.

The Shape The Color The Feel opens with "Hangover" which introduces the listening audience to the indie, singer-songwriter vibe that can be felt throughout this album. That is what adds a more professional and interesting element to the album is that each song leads into the next and takes the listener on a musical journey.

The instrumentals that are featured on the album have been put together with the purpose of highlighting and helping to deliver Tucker's whimsical vocal stylings. This combination of intense instrumentals and soft vocals creates a contrast that makes it stand out amongst other music that is currently on the charts.

Stand out tracks on the album include, "Best Friend's Love," "Blue Hotel" and "The State I'm In."

Kate Tucker and the Sons of Sweden will be a group to watch in the growing music industry.