Ken Jeong is hitching a ride on another comedy franchise. After a supporting part in the Hangover films, the Community actor will be joining Kevin Hart for Ride Along 2.

Jeong is going to play a third wheel part that’s being described as similar as Joe Pesci’s part in Lethal Weapon 2, notes The Hollywood Reporter. He will be a computer hacker convinced that he’s a ladies man. The character gets involved in the main case that Hart and his partner, Ice Cube, are investigating.

Ride Along 2 will have most of the original team from the first film back. Tim Story is directing again and Phil Hay and Matt Manfredi are writing the script. Ice Will Packer, Matt Alvarez and Larry Brezner are producing. Like the first film, this is a Universal production.

The sequel was announced almost the minute the first film was declared a hit. According to Box Office Mojo data, the film made $153 million worldwide, although only $19 million of that was from foreign territories. Ride Along cost just $25 million to make.

Ride Along 2 will open on Jan. 15, 20156.

Jeong is best known for his parts in The Hangover and Community. He just made CBS Films’ The DUFF.

image courtesy of Karl Larsen/