Midnight Rider director Randall Miller and producer Jody Savin, who have been charged with manslaughter in the death of camera assistant Sarah Jones, have turned themselves in to Wayne County, Georgia authorities.

A Wayne County jail spokesman told The Hollywood Reporter that the two turned themselves in on Sunday. They have since been released on bail.

On July 3, Miller, Savin and executive producer Joy Sedrish were indicted by a grand jury on manslaughter charges related to the Feb. 20 death of Jones.

The production was apparently filming a dream sequence at train tracks when the accident happened. In the months since the accident, it has raised questions about safety concerns on Hollywood film sets, as even star William Hurt was injured during the filming. Hurt, who was set to play Gregg Allman of the Allman Brothers Band, left the film and production has been halted indefinitely.

Miller, Savin and Sedrish could face up to 10 years in prison. The producers are also facing a wrongful death lawsuit from Jones’ family.

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