Remember 1997’s Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion starring Mira Sorvino and Lisa Kudrow? Sorvino is now lobbying to get Disney to agree to a sequel.

Sorvino took to Twitter to tell fans, “Hey #RomyandMichele fans, pls RT! let’s get another reunion going on the bigscreen!”

The actress is trying to drum enough support for Disney to agree that fans want the film enough to actually go through with making it.

She told E! News’ Marc Malkin, "Disney, if you're listening—everybody wants it! Me and Lisa and Robin would love to do a sequel. We have asked Disney before. It's Disney that has to decide to say yes."

Sorvino even said fans were asking her why they weren’t at Comic-Con, and although she reminded them it wasn’t a “current movie” she did say Disney doesn’t realize what a “cult phenomenon” it has become.

It also seems she’s considering starting a Kickstarter campaign to show Disney just how interested the fans are. Stay tuned!

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