Celebrity impersonators travel the world, entertaining people with their scary resemblance and their ability to capture the different mannerisms of famous actors, singers, and musicians. Singer Rob Cantor, however, recently posted a video of himself to YouTube that proves he can impressively impersonate not one, not two, but 28 different celebrities.

The video features Cantor singing directly into the camera with Andrew Horowitz in the background on the piano. The pair performs Cantor’s original song “Perfect,” but puts a spin on the song by borrowing the voices of famous celebrities as he sings the lyrics.

From Billie Holiday to Frank Sinatra, Cantor captures a jazz-like vibe and is still able to transition into some of the more recent artists. If the viewer takes a second to look away from the video, it is hard to believe that Christina Aguilera isn’t actually in front of the camera hitting those ridiculously high notes.

Cantor told Today, “I'm absolutely floored by the response to my new video. Never in my wildest dreams did I predict it would spread like this! Insanity. I'm so glad people enjoy the clip, and I'm even happier they seem to dig the song!"

Cantor’s album Not a Trampoline, which includes the song “Perfect,” is available online for purchase.