How far would you go for a piece of film history? Would you be willing to steal a park bench for it? Because city officials in Amsterdam believe that over-excited fans of the popular book and film The Fault in Our Stars stole the park bench where main characters Augustus Water and Hazel Grace Lancaster shared a kiss during the film.

The Huffington Post reports that the popular bench on Leidsdegracht was missing and went unnoticed for a month as someone placed a large flower pot in its spot. While there are multiple reasons as to why the bench may have gone missing including repairs, vandals or even locals who were starting to get fed up with the extra tourism, it is likely to be a die-hard fan.

Stephan van der Hoek, a spokesperson for the city told the AP that, “It’s a bit embarrassing, because we do keep good track of them, but it’s gone all right,” reports Entertainment Weekly. The bench will be replaced in a few weeks as long as they have a replacement ready and as for the original, look out for eBay.

image via Zelig Shaul/ACE/