While the corporate behind-the-scenes shuffle it would take to make this happen would be way too complicated, how cool would it be to see Superman carry a lightsaber? If you said yes (and who wouldn’t), then Man of Steel director Zack Snyder agrees.

In a tweet sent out on Wednesday, the day before the start of the San Diego Comic-Con, Snyder posted a photoshopped picture of his Superman star Henry Cavill holding a red lightsaber. He’s even wearing a Jedi robe over his Superman costume.

Obviously, there’s no real plans for a Star Wars/Superman crossover in the works, a “SuperJedi” would be very cool. Maybe Superman needs a lightsaber to stop Batman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice? That will certainly be a debate heard in the halls of Comic-Con today and this weekend.

Meanwhile, in actual Batman v Superman news, Us Weekly notes that DC and Warner Bros. did put on a 75th Anniversary display for Batman at the convention. Previous batsuits are on display, as is the cape and cowl that Ben Affleck will wear in the new movie.

image via Twitter from Zack Snyder

Dawn of Justice opens on May 6, 2016.

image courtesy of INFphoto.com