While the corporate behind-the-scenes shuffle it would take to make this happen would be way too complicated, how cool would it be to see Superman carry a lightsaber? If you said yes (and who wouldn’t), then Man of Steel director Zack Snyder agrees.
In a tweet sent out on Wednesday, the day before the start of the San Diego Comic-Con, Snyder posted a photoshopped picture of his Superman star Henry Cavill holding a red lightsaber. He’s even wearing a Jedi robe over his Superman costume.
Obviously, there’s no real plans for a Star Wars/Superman crossover in the works, a “SuperJedi” would be very cool. Maybe Superman needs a lightsaber to stop Batman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice? That will certainly be a debate heard in the halls of Comic-Con today and this weekend.
Meanwhile, in actual Batman v Superman news, Us Weekly notes that DC and Warner Bros. did put on a 75th Anniversary display for Batman at the convention. Previous batsuits are on display, as is the cape and cowl that Ben Affleck will wear in the new movie.
#SuperJedi pic.twitter.com/PyNbELK8UZ
— ZackSnyder (@ZackSnyder) July 24, 2014
image via Twitter from Zack Snyder
Dawn of Justice opens on May 6, 2016.
image courtesy of INFphoto.com