Every year with Back To School comes the dreaded letter usually a few weeks in. "Dear Parents: Someone in your son/daughters class has a lice infestation". Ugh. Vamousse lice products pack quite the punch killing 100% of lice and eggs within 15 minutes. This amazing product defies scientific studies that show lice is becoming resistant to certain products on the market. Vamousse has the power to fight the war. Its super easy to use (after all when dealing with lice you have enough stress on your hands). Start out with dry hair and separate into sections. Simply apply the mousse (fully saturate the hair and scalp) and wait 15 minutes to shampoo. Plan on using the entire can for one application. Vamousse begins killing the lice and eggs upon application and does not have the terrible chemical smell other products can have. Another wonderful feature is its "no run" formula so you can have a "no eye-sting" experience. Vamousse has no pesticides and harsh chemicals and is totally safe to use in children 2 years of age and up. Vamousse also provides us with a lice prevention shampoo option perfect for school and camp age children. You can replace your regular shampoo with the prevention shampoo. This is the perfect solution for times when someone in your child's class has an infestation, following your own child's treated infestation or heading to camp or a sleepover. Simply use whenever there is a risk of lice to your loved ones. These products truly work!
For more information please visit www.vamousselice.com or call 855-373-7210 for questions and advice. These products are available on amazon.com or at Walmart and retail for between $16.99-$24.99.