A Nigeria official revealed the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram, captured almost 100 people from a small village and many of the captives have since been freed by soldiers in Chad.

According to the Associated Press, the latest abduction took place on Sunday in Doron Baga in the Kukawa area near the border of neighboring Chad.

The security official said that the abductors were met by Chadian soldiers when they tried to cross the border. The Chad military forces were then able to free most of the victims and capture or kill many of the extremists.

AllAfrica.com noted that the remote area where the kidnappings occurred has poor mobile coverage and news of the raid on the village was slow to get out. Some of the survivors had to travel to Borno's capital city to give a personal account of what happened.

Boko Haram is the same group suspected of kidnapping hundreds of girls from a school in Borno State back in early April. While some of the girls were able to break free, most still have not been located.