I finally have the perfect bag to travel to and from work and I do not have to pass on fashion in the process!

Jill-E Designs bring us the Career Bag or Laptop Bag, that is works for the office and works when you are out and about. The Career Bag is an all-leather/all-weather bag, making it the easy option rain or shine. Sorry girls, your hair may not be protected, but this bag certainly is.

There is a great padded compartment inside that perfectly holds your laptop (up to 12"), tablet or electronic device while en route to the office. In the past, my complaint with other totes had been the shifting around my laptop does, but the Jill-E Career Bag has a strap that holds your precious work cargo in place.

There is also a great phone compartment inside as well as a zippered pouch for all your other essentials. The bag's key keeper and outside pocket for easy access items seal the deal for this working girl.

You will quite simply love this bag. Color options include black, brown and starfish (light taupe color) and the bag retails for $189.99 making it the perfect affordable choice.

For more information and to also check out other Jill-E options such as beautiful laptop bags, handbags, camera bags and travel/backpacks, visit Jill-e.com. No worries men: there are fantastic portfolio and laptop bags and backpacks for you guys as well! I love the wristlet. I will need to snag one of those ASAP.