Social Media has given parents a new way to keep tabs on their children and now they have a new way to publicly shame and discipline them. A Fargo, North Dakota teen is learning this the hard way after her mom decided to sell her Katy Perry tickets on Facebook.

Cindy Bjerke’s 18-year-old daughter had great tickets to see the “Dark Horse” singer at the Fargodome on Aug. 23. But the teen was disrespectful to her mother, so she sold off the tickets on Facebook. According to The Huffington Post, Bjerke’s listing read, “Daughter is a spoiled brat and doesn't deserve these tickets.”

“I was not going to give her the tickets,” Bjerke told WDAZ. “I was not going to let her go to this concert with this behavior that she's been doing.”

While Bjerke is getting her fair share of criticism for clearly embarrassing her daughter, she said that the post got several supportive parents talking and over 200 likes. Still, the post was later removed by the Facebook page’s administrator.

“Most of it has been overwhelming support, and I think that a lot of parents are like me, where they feel like they're being bullied on how they should parent their own children,” Bjerke said.

As the Huffington Post notes, this isn’t the first time a parent has tried to sell off their child’s tickets as punishment. Last fall, a One Direction fan’s mother in Australia auctioned off tickets because of her daughter’s "self righteous and lippy attitude."

So, note to teens who get your parents to shell out hundreds of dollars so you can see your idols: behave of get publicly shamed.

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