In a new study released by Broadview networks, if you want to have the fastest internet connection in America, it may be recommended that you move to Virginia. Their report outlines the fastest and slowest states when it comes to internet speeds and strength of connection.
Z6Mag News reports that Virginia has an average of 13.7 megabites per second speed, and is at the top speeds for the United States overall.
The Broadview map only outlines the United States, and internationally the United States has been found to be one of the slowest countries with internet connection. The Virginia speed, for example, is only half of South Korea's average speed of 23.6 megabytes per second.
Alaska was found to have the slowest internet speed, at only 7 mbps, and is considered a "low broadband" state. The Wall Street Journal Market Watch hypothesizes that the faster speeds in Virginia could have something to do with the National Security Agency, although the official Akamai report released by Braodview networks does not list why Virginia was able to top the list with its speed.