A Pennsylvania kid will apparently have you in stitches laughing with his apparently viral video. As if you can’t apparently tell, his favorite word is apparently, even if he is only five years old.

Newswatch 16’s Sofia Ojeda was at the Wayne County Fair, which just opened this weekend, in Northeast Pennsylvania when she caught up with this adorable fairgoer named Noah Ritter. She handed Noah her microphone and he just kept talking. And it just kept getting more adorable from there.

He stole the show, rambling about how much his Grandpa likes to apparently watch Powerball and how he had never apparently been on live television before.

Noah’s time on TV went national and viral quickly. It was picked up by Good Morning America and a YouTube clip of the hilarious interview has over 28,000 views.

Some television executive needs to give this kid a show. He may not watch the news or much live TV, but he apparently knows how it works.